Sisoes the Great


This Saint, great and renowned among the ascetics of Egypt, lived in the fourth century in Scete of Nitria. After the death of Saint Anthony the Great, he left Scete to live in Saint Anthony’s cave; he said of this, “Thus in the cave of a lion, a fox makes his dwelling.” When Sisoes was at the end of his long life of labours, as the Fathers were gathered about him, his face began to shine, and he said, “Behold, Abba Anthony is come”; then, “Behold, the choir of the Prophets is come”; his face shone yet more bright, and he said, “Behold, the choir of the Apostles is come.” The light of his countenance increased, and he seemed to be talking with someone. The Fathers asked him of this; in his humility, he said he was asking the Angels for time to repent. Finally his face became as bright as the sun, so that the Fathers were filled with fear. He said, “Behold, the Lord is come, and He says, ‘Bring Me the vessel of the desert,'” and as he gave up his soul into the hands of God, there was as it were a flash of lightning, and the whole dwelling was filled with a sweet fragrance.Reading copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, used by permission. All rights reserved.