Fr. Antony Bahou came to St. George in August 2013, after having served another Parish in Dallas, TX for twelve years. He and his wife Dina, and children Elias and Eliana reside in Escondido, CA. He has been a priest since September 3, 2000, and is a graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Boston, MA. Following are some words by Fr. Antony himself, describing his ministry at St. George:
”Welcome to St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, the only Orthodox Church in San Diego that includes the Arabic language in her Divine Services. We would love to meet you in person and share with you our beautiful Orthodox Faith, the Faith of the Church which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ established Himself. Looking for the ancient Faith? You have found it! Please come and see (John 1:46). This Church is made up of immigrant families, and local Americans alike, and they are eager to welcome you with open arms and Christ’s love. Here you will find ministries for Men, Women, Teens, and Church School aged children. In addition, there are Bible Studies, educational seminars, religious education classes, and fellowship events. We have so much we want to share with you. With all our love and blessings in Christ.”
frabahou@saintgeorgesd.org | (858) 837-9270

From his youth, Rev. Fr. Deacon Maxime Najim was theologically formed by his father, the world-renowned theologian and Great Economos, the Very Reverend Father Michel Najim. Deacon Maxime Najim was ordained to the office of the Holy Diaconate in December 2008, on the feast day of St. Nicholas of Myra the Wonder-worker, by the hands of His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph. After his ordination, he served at St. Nicholas Cathedral until the Summer of 2009 when he was assigned to serve Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church in San Diego, CA. Deacon Maxime holds a Master of Arts degree in Orthodox Theology, accredited by the Government of Lebanon through the University of Balamand. His graduate-level study of Orthodox Christian Theology centered around the Church Fathers and a study of St. Ephrem the Syrian’s theological approach to Holy Scripture and its applicability to modern pastoral teaching. Deacon Maxime also holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science and is a published author both in theological works and software engineering.